Episode 5 – Valletta , Capital of Malta

Valletta is the capital of Malta. The smallest capital city in the European Union. The walled city was established in the 1500s by the Knights of St John. Valletta is a World Heritage site. The architecture is of Baroque style.

Another first for me- yesterday I used Public transport for the first time since my primary school days. For 1.50 euros or R24.00 I must agree that I was super impressed. The busses are modern, clean and comfortable. Also efficient and generally on time as I experienced and confirmed by the locals.

Triton fountain
Bastion walls- entrance to Valletta
Houses of Parliament
Traditional and colourful box balconies
Modern Sliema across the harbour

A few years ago, it seemed that all the worlds construction cranes were in Dubai. Well now they appear to be in Malta. In 2019 when I was last here, I commented on the same. Now in 2022, besides large projects, it appears that ‘older’ 3 floor apartments are now being upgraded to an additional 3 floors- 6 floors the maximum in residential areas. The modernisation looks good, but the traditional Maltese are not of the same view.

Valletta continued:

Upper Barrakka gardens
Winston Churchill- British influence
Noon day battery gun. Each day at 12 noon it shoots a ‘mock’ cannon ball, to the delight of many locals and mainly tourists.
MSC Cruise liners- One in dry dock for refurbishment.
Aida cruise liner
Yours truly, with the ‘3 cities’ in the back ground
2 of the 3 cities.
New fast ferry to Gozo.
Prime Minister’s car being ‘electrified’.
Pope Francis visits Malta on Sunday 4th April. Making plans to be present at this event.

Any finally, although smaller that what will appear in July/August, the tourists are back.