Bristol airport Monday 17th June 07h15 flight to Dublin. Temperature 11degress.

Arrival to an overcast day in Dublin to the same temperature as England. Durban winter is warmer than these Summer parts. Car hire of a Suzuki Swift (Hybrid). Google maps showed only one set of Tolls around Dublin. Forgot to mention the other 2 on the way to Galway.For interest Euro3.7 /3.4 and 2.3. A total of E9.40 or R184. It is cheaper to go to Mtunzini and return. The roads though, even the one lane rural roads are perfect.

Galway- 218kms on M6 and M4. A University city on the West coast of Ireland. Journey in parts with a 120km per hour parts, but like England, speed restrictions and cameras along the very green and lush country side. Very beautiful.

Galway-Guru Free walk talk with Ashleigh. Very informative and interesting.

All in all a busy day one in Ireland.