One of the Queens of the sea, the Queen Mary 2 docked in Durban yesterday Monday 3rd March 2023. A 7pm departure, delayed by more than an hour, did not deter the large crowd at On Point, to watch the departure.

Exactly 3 weeks ago I wrote about my brother leaving Durban on the MSC Sinfonia. below courtesy of “Cruise mapper” is 2 photos of the Sinfonia travelling through the Suez canal.

The Suez canal completed in 1869 (154 years ago) and altered and strengthen many times since, is 193.30kms long. The canal separates Africa form Asia. The Sinfonia running from south to north into the Red sea along to the Gulf of Suez, holding at the Great Bitter lake before proceeding in convoy north to Port Said and the Mediterranean. (detail