2022 date up

An update as to my current status. This is mainly for prospective clients and family and friends. The golfers of Hackers and Badgers have already been advised.

What a year 2022 has been. January-February was a red list Covid ban. Mid March to mid June, a fabulous overseas holiday in Malta visiting my daughter and family. Using Malta as a base, ventured into France and Spain, back to Malta and then road tripping back in France and Belgium. Brilliant, but returned to South Africa with an injured right foot/ankle(cobbled walkways and uneven pavements).

Two months of physiotherapy, leading to eventual surgery to repair a torn tendon on Thursday 15th September at the very new Ribumed day hospital in Ballito.

Now 6 weeks no activity, time to relax, read and do ‘nothing’ then some rehab. So no tours and no golf(ag shame).