Episode 10. Lourdes , one of the Highlights of the tour so far.

This is what greats you. Astonishing
Sanctuary of Our Lady of Lourdes.
The Virgin Mary

The 1st Apparition happened on 11th February 1858, when the Virgin Mary appeared before a youthful 14 year old Bernadette, in the area of the Grotto.

The Police Commissioner summoned Bernadette and threatened her as the news had ‘people running in circles’. Various other Apparitions occurred and on the 25th March of the same year, the 16th Apparition happened. The Lady gave her name-

                         “I AM THE IMMACULATE CONCEPTION”

On the 16th July 1858, the last Apparition, the Grotto was barricaded and declared forbidden.

For more than 3 years doctors and theologians studied the details of the story and the questions of healings.

On 18th January 1862, Mgr. Laurence declared: “The Blessed Virgin Mary truly

                                                    Appeared to Bernadette Soubirous”

Adapted in part from De L’Histoire-de Lourdes.

The Grotto.
Looks like ‘my apparition”
Allez Boire a la Fontaine-A natural spring- Blessed water.
Readings and Healing done on site.
Yours truly after a very spiritual event, next to the river Le Gave-de-Pau